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Alberta Provincials are Ready to Roll

June 20, 2013

3rd weekend of June is always a big one for Roller Hockey in Alberta. This years tournament is just a little different. In past years the Alberta Provincials has always been a tournament around 40 plus teams and featured 10- 15 adult/junior teams. This year there are only 5 adult teams but yet we have set a new record for teams at 56. This large turnout is due to the fact we have seen unprecedented growth in the recreational youth age groups We have always pushed to have recreational divisions in every age group but have never been able to realize a rec division in each age group. For 2013 the provincials will have a recreational division in the age groups U16 down to U10.

With more recreational players learning to play roller hockey and having opportunities no matter what the level of their team, this will lead to very healthy future for this great game 

The following teams will be representing their age group and their league at the 2013 Alberta Roller Hockey Provincials

U8 Division

Gunners 1 - Red Deer

Gunners 2 - Red Deer

Team Edmonton

Green Creepers - Sherwood Park

Renegades - Didsbury


U10 Competitive Division 

Snipers - Red Deer

Bullfrogs - Sherwood Park

Northern Alberta Bulls - Edmonton


U10 Recreational Division

Puck Hogs - Edmonton

Jr. Ice Blue - Wetaskiwin

Jr. Ice Red - Wetaskiwin

Renegades - Didsbury

Rolling Ninjas - Edmonton

Gunners - Red Deer

Roller Hawks - Calgary


U12 Competitive Division 

Revolution - Red Deer

Demolition - Edmonton

Snipers - Red Deer

Cyclones- Calgary

Gladiators - Edmonton

Bullfrogs - Sherwood Park

Team United - Edmonton


U12 Recreational Division

Jr Ice - Wetaskiwin

Renegades - Didsbury

Rebels - Didsbury

Mustangs - Morinville

Crickets - Sherwood Park


U14 Competitive Divison 

Canadian Wolves - Edmonton

Tour Snipers - Red Deer

Bison Legacy - Calgary

Bullfrogs - Sherwood Park

Predators - Edmonton

Junior Snipers - Red Deer


U14 Recreational Division

Chargers - Stony Plain

Jr. Ice- Wetaskiwin

Bandits - Calgary

McCaffrey - Edmonton

Go Edmonton

Crusaders - Edmonton


16U Competitive Division

96 Jets- Red Deer

Alkali Empire - Edmonton

Outlaws - Red Deer

Spitfires - Edmonton

Bullfrogs - Sherwood Park


16U Recreational Division

Tigers - Red Deer

Tropics- Edmonton

Jr. Ice - Wetaskiwin

Ducks 97' - Edmonton

Pineapples - Beaumont

Wolf Pack - Edmonton

Atomic Zombies - Edmonton


Adult Division

Shockers - Calgary

Phantoms - Red Deer

Rednex - Lacombe

Predators - Edmonton

4PAC Phantoms - Edmonton


With all these amazing teams representing their leagues and regions it will truly be an event to remember.


If your team missed the opportunity to take part in the Alberta Provincials or you are just looking for more information on this event or future events, email


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