
AMRHA Annual General Meeting

Begins February 16, 2025
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Team Canada Kids Camp a Success!!

May 02, 2016

Ardrossan Alberta – On April 30th, 40 kids between 9 and 14 participated in the Team Canada Youth Development Camp! When asked why AMRHA would choose to host a youth development camp with an Adult Roller Hockey Tournament Kyle Mingo; Associate Director to Team Alberta, and Tournament Director said “Since we had representatives from Team Canada participating in the tournament it seemed like a great opportunity to host a development camp for youth Roller Hockey players”.

Participants received Team Canada swag a jersey as well as two 1.5 hour surface sessions, an off-ice training session and a Q &A Strategy session.  Coaches were offered the opportunity to learn some new drills and meet with players to understand better what was involved in taking their teams to the next level.

Matis Rochon a U10 participate and former member of Team Mission at State Wars said “This camp has been awesome and a lot of fun!  The drills were my favourite!”   Kirk Jensen Team Alberta Director commented “This camp is invaluable for kids looking to participate in Alberta, they have the opportunity to learn about what it is like to play with people you have never played with before, as well as learn drills and skills they will use when and if they make Team Alberta.

When asked if there was a possibility of more of these kinds of sessions and mini camp?  Ted Zylstra, AMRHA President commented “ The response to this camp has been better than we expected - Clearly there is a desire for more of this type of camp we will certainly be discussing it at the next AMRHA Executive meeting.”


For comments or more information Contact

Celeste Nicholson at


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