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Coaching Background Checks

March 24, 2017

For the 2017 season and beyond Alberta Minor Roller Hockey Association will require criminal background checks from all HEAD COACHES working with youth teams (U17 and Down). AMRHA has reached an agreement with Triton Canada to provide us with quick and fast access for criminal background checks to our coaches who require them. This system is online and will provide the applicant with an account to easily follow up and print off their review. Using Triton will only cost our coaches $25 for their background checks; very reasonable considering some of the other services out there.

AMRHA is aware that criminal back ground checks in all other minor sporting associations are a regular occurrence. Therefore, any background checks done in the previous year (2016) before our current season begins will still be accepted. This will be the standard going forward. This may be viewed as an inconvenience for some parents/coaches whose coaching role is limited to inline-roller hockey. However, we are most concerned with the safety of our athletes and deem this minor inconvenience as necessary

With criminal background checks, there are 3 outcomes once the back-ground check has been processed

  • Cleared- the individual has no previous convictions
  • Criminal Record as Disclosed – This report indicated a prior criminal conviction. They have disclosed that information in the application and it matches the information from the police. In these cases, AMRHA must review the application. We have a process setup so the individual’s information can be reviewed by a provincial representative and kept private. In most of the cases of criminal record as disclosed they are usually more embarrassing then dangerous. Once the record is reviewed by the provincial association we will notify the league whether that individual is cleared to be on the bench
  • Not cleared – the applicant is not disclosing some criminal history on their record and at that point will not be cleared by the provincial association to be present on the bench


The link for Triton Canada Background Checks can be found on the AMRHA website home page, all inquiries about a back-ground check information should be sent to


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