Provincial Registration System
March 02, 2018

For 2018 and beyond, the majority of Alberta Roller Hockey programs will be centralized under one unified online registration program. It was decided in early December that RAMP Interactive (sports registration software) would be the program of choice for this season. Many families are familiar with RAMP's program as they are used by the majority of minor hockey associations as well as Alberta Baseball and Lacrosse. This is an important move to help all associations promptly communicate their registered players information to AMRHA for the purpose of player insurance. Prior to 2018 small associations were stuck using cash or cheques. With Ramps flexible system it allows even the smallest program to offers individuals multiple ways to pay their league fees. The new registration brings another added benefit to the Alberta roller hockey community, online coaches registration. The head coaches can now be registered by the associations through RAMP, which will enhance AMRHA's ability to track their certifications and further the education of the coaches in the sport.
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