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Team Alberta Final Rosters

July 02, 2022

Team Alberta is excited to announce the rosters that will be representing Alberta at State Wars 18. 


2010 'A' Team

Kelly Heide - Red Deer County

Reilly Mulloy - Edmonton

Owen Foreman - Airdrie

Kingsley MacLellan - Edmonton

Oliver Christie - Sylvan Lake

Bentley Goodmurphy - Penhold

Nicolas Allen - Calgary

Nolan Spill - Calgary

Head Coach - Jeff MacLellan - Edmonton

Asst. Coach - Aaron Leisman - Edmonton


2008 'AA' Team

Noah Parker - Fort McMurray

Brody Kornega - Edmonton

Austin Mori-Goodman - Sylvan Lake

Marshall Lyons - Red Deer

Zander Maddigan - Edmonton

Ryker Adcock - Lacombe

Chase Heide - Red Deer County

Coen Marshall - Red Deer

Lucas Normand - Red Deer County

Head Coach - Brendan Baumgartner - Fort Saskatchewan

Asst. Coach - Lane Hartwell - Sherwood Park

Manager - Jackie Heide - Red Deer County


2007 'AA' Team

Logan Burkinshaw - Red Deer

Aidan Conroy - Chestermere 

Chase Heide - Red Deer County

Coen Marshall - Red Deer

Austin Mori-Goodman - Sylvan Lake

Kaden Middlemiss - Calgary

Jack Horrocks - Red Deer County

Matthew Houle - Edmonton

Ethan Clark - Red Deer

Noah Parker - Fort McMurray

Head Coach - Mitch Vevang - Calgary

Asst. Coach - Aaron Leisman - Edmonton

Manager - Jackie Heide - Red Deer County


Senior 'A' Team

Bennett Allen - Sherwood Park

Donovan Allen - Sherwood Park

Jonah Stewart - Sherwood Park

Aidan Krulak - Edmonton

William Dumais - Edmonton

Liam Allen - Calgary

Head Coach - Bennett Allen - Sherwood Park


Good Luck to the teams as they take on teams from across the U.S and from around the world


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