Alberta Power Rankings April 20

April 20, 2016

In 2016 AMRHA is introducing a power ranking for the teams in the following age groups....

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2016 Team Alberta State Wars Jersey

April 18, 2016

Its official!!! The State War’s Jerseys have been released!!

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Team Canada Player Development Camp

April 13, 2016

Fresh off the gold medal from last year’s IIHF Inline Hockey World Championships, Roller Hockey Canada

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Let the Season Begin!

April 08, 2016

Registration is done, teams have been chosen, assigned and sorted and now we anxiously await the beginning to the season.

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Message from the Referee In Chief

April 06, 2016

Well, another season is quickly getting underway, and with it officiating is ramping up as well!

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GP Wheelhouse Ready to Roll in 2016

January 01, 2016

Roller Hockey is ready to get under way in Grande Prairire....

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State Wars 11

August 15, 2015

St Peters Missouri – Team Alberta once again travelled to State Wars!! Team Alberta took.....

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2015 Alberta Roller Hockey Provincials

July 03, 2015

Alberta Roller Hockey Provincials were another huge success!!  47 teams....

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2015 Team Alberta Rosters

July 01, 2015

The regular season is over and its now time for.......

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Welcome to Alberta Provincials

June 26, 2015

It is a tremendous honor to welcome you to Edmonton and.....

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Roller Hockey Canada Canada Inline IDS Hockey Statewars`